I’ve been working on this website and web pages and domains and hosting and widgets and plugins and generally speaking, I should be excused from this much new knowledge, based on my age.
Nevertheless, I am please to say: WELCOME to my new website. Disclosure: it could be revised at any time. But you should always be able to find me, one way or another, at one of my websites:
- JimYarin.com (what you’re now looking at)
- 248Ancestors.com (my genealogy site, now undergoing rehabilitation)
- EfronFamilyHistory.com (my Opus Efronus, a one-name study of families named Efron/Effron/Ephron and the like)
Once Rope Walker is published I will have a lot to say about that, and until then, I think you’ll have to hear me whine a bit because it isn’t published. I’ll be writing about historical research, genealogy, and Jewish genealogy in particular. I’ll write about my current obsession with Moby Dick and my future obsessions, whatever they may be. I’ll try to keep the political chatter low — there is really enough already on that topic. I will say this much about that: these are extraordinary times, and since we have a clown as president the climate is more of a circus than a government. Just resign, Donald. Now that I’ve said that, if you don’t like my politics (Hello to my friends in Texas!), I’ll deny that I said anything about that. Maybe I did; maybe I didn’t.
I have lots of projects in mind, including future Rope Walker projects (sequel! TV series! Movie! Opera! Anime! board game!), other historical writing and research, and cleaning the basement. Lots of genealogy projects, too, and I hope to soon return to the challenging and rewarding effort of finding family history for others.
Enough by way of introduction. Ta.
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